구 분 | 시수(Hr,) | 교육내용 |
1일차 | 7 |
- Testing, Marketing/Communicating the Project before Lunching - Defining Qualification Criteria: Drafting the RFQ - Defining Proposal Requirements and Evaluation Criteria - Defining/Drafting other Commercial Terms and Provisions - Control Check and Approval before Lunching - Managing Matters during the Bid Submission Stage - Qualification Matters - Managing Dialogue and Interactive Processes - Evaluation of Proposals - Negotiation with a Preferred Bidders - Award |
2일차 | 7 |
- Contract Signature - Financial Close - Oversight / Integrity of the Tender Process - Contract Management Framework - Overview of the Construction Phase - Monitoring Tasks during the Construction Phase - Change Management in the Construction Phase - Claims Management in the Construction Phase - Under performance and Non-Compliance in the Construction Phase |
3일차 | 7 |
- Issue Management and Dispute Resolution during the Construction Phase - Knowledge Management and Succession Planning - Contract Management and Monitoring during the Operation - Contract Management and Administrative Process - Managing Private Partner under-performance and Non-Compliance - Managing Finance - Regulatory Requirements - Variation Management - Relationship Management, Issue Management and DRP - Managing Fiscal Risks - Exit and Hand-Back Strategy |
4일차 | 7 |
실전 모의고사 80문제 실제 시험과 동일한 환경에서 모의시험 * 시험문제는 PPP에 대한 사례(예를 들어 항만, 수처리, 교도서, 혹은 철도 PPP, 등)를 4~5 Page 정도의 Project Scenario가 제시되고, 이에 대한 이해 정도를 묻기 위해 아래 분야에서 80문제를 출제 - Structuring and Contract Drafting, 20 Marks - Tendering and Awarding the Contract, 20 Marks - Managing the Contract-Construction, 20 Marks - Managing the Contract-Operation and Hand back, 20 Marks - 시험문제는 모두 객관식으로 3개중 택1, 4개중 택1, 5개중 택2 선택 |
시험 | 3.1Hr | - CP3P(Execution)시험 실시 |