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  • 커리큘럼
구 분 시수(Hr,) 교육내용
1일차 7 - Choice of Legal and Administrative Instruments
- Defining the PPP Process
- Institutional Responsibility
- Public Financial Management of PPPs
- Oversight of PPP Programs and Projects
- Option Analysis and Selection Technique
- Technical Outline of the Selected Solution
- Information Requirements/Data Check List
- Introduction to Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Scoping the PPP Project and Its Challenges
- Testing PPP Suitability and Affordability
- Project Management Plan and Project Governance
- Identifying Stakeholders and Communication Strategy
2일차 7 - Assessing Capabilities and Needs, and Hiring Advisors
- Screening Report
- Designing the Preliminary Structure of the PPP
- Developing the Financial Model
- Assessing the Technical Feasibility
- Assessing Commercial Feasibility
- Market Sounding
- Confirming Economical Feasibility
- Assessing Fiscal Feasibility
- Analysis of Impact on Government Deficits and Debt
- Assessing Environment Feasibility
- Assessing Social Feasibility
- Assessing Legal Feasibility
- Value for Money Assessment
- Procurement Strategy
- Term Definition
3일차 7 - Pure Co-financing
- Public Loan
- Filling the Viability Gap of a User-Pay Projects
- Equity Participation by the Government
- Revenue Regimes in PPP Projects
- Financial Structuring Matters in User-Pays Projects
- Volume-Linked Payment Mechanisms
- Availability Payments
- Defining Risks
- Risk Identification
- Risk Assessment
- Mitigation Measures
- Deciding on Risk Allocation
- Contractual Categories of Risks
- Main Project Risks and Potential Allocation
- Risk Allocation into the Contract
4일차 7 실전 모의고사 80문제
실제 시험과 동일한 환경에서 모의시험
* 시험문제는 PPP에 대한 사례(예를 들어 항만, 수처리, 교도서, 혹은 철도 PPP, 등)를 4~5 Page 정도의 Project Scenario가 제시되고, 이에 대한 이해 정도를 묻기 위해 아래 분야에서 80문제를 출제

- PPP Framework, 20 Marks
- Identification and Testing a PPP, 20 Marks
- Project Appraisal, 20 Marks
- Structuring and Contract Drafting, 20 Marks
- 시험문제는 모두 객관식으로 3개중 택1, 4개중 택1, 5개중 택2 선택
시험 3.1Hr - CP3P(Preparation)시험 실시
상호 : ㈜피쓰리코리아 대표 : 정의종/이재성 사업자등록번호 : 383-87-00279
서울특별시 송파구 문정동 651-6 문정헤리움써밋타워 817호 TEL : 02-3463-0902 FAX : 02-3463-0770